Dual Mode NVIS Backlight Systems
TFT LCD displays with dual mode NVIS filters are ideal for commercial, law enforcement, and military applications, including: crew station displays for aircraft, ground vehicles, or as a module used as part of a ruggedized, portable display system for use in extreme environments. TVD’s dual mode NVIS LCD modules are the ideal solution for making virtually any LCD display system compatible with NVIS, NVG, NVD, or any other night-vision apparatus. Our 3.5″, 6.5″, and 10.4″ are our most often requested NVIS compatible modules. If you do not see a suitable NVIS-compatible module on our product page, please contact us to have a completely custom display solution developed according to your specifications.
Our dual mode backlight technology provides the best NVIS radiance for all colors meeting or exceeding MIL-STD-3009 (MIL-L-85762A) for radiance and white chromaticity.
The LEDs used in the dual mode backlight system are selected for a specific chromaticity and filtered to meet the NVIS radiance (NR) properties. White, green, and red LEDs with certain spectral emission can be filtered that comply with various NVIS color coordinates and NVIS Radiance (NR) specifications described in MIL-STD-3009. Meeting both color and NVIS radiance limits is a challenge. Each application is unique and always involves constraints, such as space limitations or production methods that may require a specific approach in order meet compliance. TVD design development team can create a custom TFT LCD solution to meet your particular application needs.